Royal sporting gun from Louis XIII’s famous cabinet sets a record for a wheellock firearm at auction: La IA se apoderó del mundo del arte 🎨 The 26th European Archaeological Heritage Prize, sponsored by CIRAM, was awarded to Geoportale Nazionale per l'Archeologia with honorary mention to the Must Farm Project Huh, Mondex, Res ipsa loquitur Nine archaeological artefacts recovered and returned to El Salvador by the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage How London Became a Watch Theft Warzone: Pair of Victorian Walnut and Ebonised Display Cabinets Oriental porcelain from one of the countries leading dealers! Fun interview with the lovely Charlotte at @FieldDogFairs & @antiquesstoreuk 🗞️
Holocaust-restitution firm Mondex settles legal feud with heir over fees for $24m Chagall painting : @Telegraph
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